When choosing your real estate agent in Whangarei, who you work with really matters. Why?
Because with a dramatically changing Real Estate environment, now more than ever you will need an expert.
Because with a dramatically changing Real Estate environment, now more than ever you will need an expert.
Real Estate is not that difficult to get right - but it is tricky to do really well.
first let's startPresent Well
Street appeal, a lick of paint, tidying up the gardens, fixing that leaky tap, water-blasting the deck. All of these little things - and sometimes the big things - matter.
Buyers are looking at plenty of options, so don't give them any excuses for why they wouldn't buy your home. |
here we go!Market Correctly
Marketing your home correctly truly makes or breaks the amount of attention that your property will get.
By using professionals, you are able to tap into our extensive contacts and capabilities that will show your place off the best it can possibly be. While getting it seen by as many of the right buyers as possible. |
So, why work with me on the sale of your home?
Why am I different than your average real estate agent?
Well, that could be a long list to discuss, as I'm a bit biased!
However here are the top 3 areas where I have excelled for my clients:
It means that I put you before the dollars, always. You come first, and your home comes second.
Why am I different than your average real estate agent?
Well, that could be a long list to discuss, as I'm a bit biased!
However here are the top 3 areas where I have excelled for my clients:
- I work Whangarei. I know that the buyer of your home will more than likely NOT be your next door neighbour. As a result, I strive to have insanely sharp local real estate knowledge.
- I work harder than just about anybody. If there is extra effort needed, I will go to the moon for you to get it done.
- I'm at the forefront of modern real estate marketing. I take a wide ranging approach to the digital promotion of your property.
It means that I put you before the dollars, always. You come first, and your home comes second.